
Hi there, my name is Skipper.

I am a leadership coach and a product design director at SoftServe. I also make/produce the podcast How This Works

Things I do

Coaching-level-up-bw Coaching-level-up

Success isn't a foregone conclusion in work today and the status quo is riddled with competing distractions and frictions galore. By enlisting the right coach, you can get unstuck and level up while moving forward in your career.

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Over a decade ago, I started out as a designer and have worked in a variety of paradigms including workshop facilitation and research, iterating continuously. I'm currently focused on people and business/ops functions.

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With How This Works, my goal is to talk to 100 people about a variety of subject matters in which they are experts. The second season is now underway — please tune in, listen, and subscribe wherever you get your podcasts.

Want more?

Curious about how my background has shaped the way I see the world? Let's get into it — and before you ask... (nodding) Yes, Skipper is my real name.

Inside of all of us, at our core, we hold values that guide us in our lives — through home and work. Me as well, it's near to my heart. Pun somewhat intended.

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Recent audio & writing


Writing topics might include essays, book recommendations, leadership development, workshop activities, and thoughts about design & technology.


Hello again! 안녕하세요

Interested in working together?

Whether you are a one-person shop, part of a billion-dollar company, in a scrappy startup crew, an individual contributor (IC), or a seasoned manager, I can help. This help can take a variety of forms — leadership coaching, design consultation, or something else (an introduction to someone else, perhaps).

Let's get started...